• 400 9th Street, Conway, PA 15027
  • 724-843-1111
  • Monday-Thursday:  7:00am-4:30pm   Friday-Sunday:  Closed

When a person loses most or all of their vision, it is necessary for them to reorganize their thought patterns and learn new techniques for doing things that they previously did almost automatically. It can be a frightening and disorienting time, but BCAB offers many programs, in cooperation with the Rehabilitation Education Program at the Keystone Blind Association; to ease this transition, foster self confidence and provide individuals with the Life Skills to maintain and improve their independence. Once these techniques are learned, it generally enables our clients to remain in their own homes or apartments, living a rewarding and productive life.

Rehabilitation Education options include…

Personal / Home Management: Instruction is provided in phone use, time keeping, grooming and other home management skills.

Communications: Large print, Braille reading and writing guide instruction, as well as the use of listening/recording devices.

Leisure Time Activities: Tactile and audible games and cards are available from the EYEdeas Store.

Orientation & Mobility:

Residential Training: Instruction is provided in the skills necessary to enable a visually impaired person to travel independently and safely in a residential area.

Community Training: Instruction is also provided in skills for independent and safe mobility throughout the community.

Mobility Devices: A variety of long canes & tips, support canes and other mobility devices are available for demonstration.